أثر مؤشرات نموذج التقييم المصرفي الأمريكي CAMELS على المخاطر المصرفية بالتطبيق على بعض المصارف التجارية الليبية خلال الفترة (2010 -2014)
مقال في مجلة علميةهدفت الدراسة الى بيان أثر مؤشرات نموذج CAMELS (كفاية رأس المال C، جودة الأصول A، أداء الإدارة M، العائد E، السيولة L، الحساسية لمخاطر السوق S) على المخاطر المصرفية الكلية لعينة من المصارف التجارية الليبية، ولتحقيق اهداف الدراسة واختبار الفرضيات اعتمدت الدراسة على التقارير المالية السنوية لعينة الدراسة خلال الفترة 2010 - 2014، وتم معالجتها باستخدام البرنامج الاحصائي (SPSS) وتوصلت الدراسة الى ان مؤشرات النموذج مجتمعة لها أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية على المخاطر المصرفية الكلية.
مولود رمضان خليفه ابوخريص، (07-2019)، جامعة سبها: مجلة العلوم البحثة والتطبيقية سبها، 18
الممارسات المختلفة لمحاسبة السجلات المفتوحة لمختلف استراتيجيات المشتريات
مقال في مجلة علميةبعد الإطلاع ودراسة بعض الأدبيات السابقة حول موضوع محاسبة السجلات المفتوحة بصفة عامة، والممارسات المختلفة لمحاسبة السجلات المفتوحة لمختلف استراتيجيات المشتريات بصفة خاصة، حيث إنها تتطلب جهود أعلى أکثر مما هو مرتبط عادة بالعلاقات القائمة بين المشتري والمورد. يرى الباحث من وجهة نظره أن هناک ندرة في البحوث العلمية المنشورة حول هذا الموضوع، ويمکن أن تطرح مشکلة البحث من خلال التساؤلات التالية:
1. هل توجد علاقة بين استراتيجيات الشراء المختلفة وبين الممارسات المختلفة لمحاسبة السجلات المفتوحة؟
2. ما هو مفهوم محاسبة السجلات المفتوحة وما هي أهميتها؟
3. ما هي أبعاد وخصائص محاسبة السجلات المفتوحة؟
4. ما هي أهداف ومتطلبات محاسبة السجلات المفتوحة ؟
يوسف ابراهيم ابوالقاسم المحروق، رمضان مسعود خليفة، (11-2018)، مجلة القراءة والمعرفة: مجلة القراءة والمعرفة، 205
The impact of gender differences on adoption of information technology and related responses: A review
Journal ArticleOver the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of women belonging to the Internet population. With this increase, researchers have begun to investigate the role of gender in information technology (IT) adoption and its related innovations, including e-commerce. Despite the large body of research on the topic, we know of no work that specifically reviews the literature regarding gender differences in these domains. To address this gap, we systematically reviewed the recent literature (in the period 2000–2017) regarding gender differences in IT adoption and six related behaviors and responses: online shopping adoption, online trust, attitude and satisfaction with e-commerce, website design preferences, and information processing strategies. Findings from the current review indicated that, in general, men are more likely to try a new IT and shop online than women
Abubaker A AB Shaouf, (08-2018), International journal of management and applied research: International journal of management and applied research, 5
Earnings management and corporate social responsibility: UK evidence
Journal ArticlePurpose
The paper aims to re-interpret the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in limiting the extreme practices in earnings management (EM) by using evidence from large UK companies.
The study has used content analysis and disclosure index to measure the level of CSR. The authors measured EM based on discretionary accruals by using cross-sectional version of the modified Jones model.
The findings of this study reveal that companies with a higher commitment to CSR activities are less likely to manage earnings through accruals.
This study shed more light on the potential impact of CSR on earnings management in the context of the UK. Prior research on the impact of CSR on earnings management has used exclusively CSR scores, provided by CSR score indices. The manual measurement used in this study for CSR (disclosure index/content analysis) is considered to provide a more detailed and precise measure.
Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Zakaria A. Aribi, Thankom Arun, (06-2018), Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting: Emerald Insight, 16
Revising the effects of online advertising attributes on consumer processing and response
Journal ArticleWith advances in technology, the internet has allowed advertisers to design advertisements with unique features that can help capture consumers’ visual attention and enhance their psychological states such as attitudes and emotions. Yet, web advertising features and attributes can significantly contribute to online consumer behaviors. This paper strives to provide guidelines for researchers and advertisers as to what outlines the effects of online advertising design on consumers’ processing and multiple outcomes. The findings indicated that exposure to a well-designed online advertisement can influence several cognitive and emotional responses, such as attention to the ad, motivations to process the ad, depth of processing, pleasure, arousal, and online purchase intention. According to the present review, consumer involvement is regarded as an important moderator in the relationships between web advertising content as well as design and several responses, including consumers’ intention to search and process information. The article concludes by identifying several areas of opportunities for advancing our understanding of web advertising effects. Marketers and advertisers will find the current work useful, as it can be used to maximize the effectiveness of web advertising.
Abubaker A AB Shaouf, (01-2018), International Journal of Marketing Studies: Canadian Center of Science and Education, 10
The effect of web advertising visual design on online purchase intention: An examination across gender
Journal ArticleWith web advertising growing to be a huge industry, it is important to understand the effectiveness of web advertisement. In this study we investigate the effects of web advertising visual design (WAVD) purchasing intention within the framework of an integrated model. Nine hypotheses were developed and tested on a dataset of 316 observations collected via a questionnaire survey. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that while web advertising visual cues influence consumers' purchasing intention through advertising attitudes and brand attitudes, they do not have direct effects on purchasing intention. Further results on the moderating role of gender suggest that web advertising visual cues have direct effect on consumers' purchasing intention for male groups but not for female groups. This study contributes to the understanding the role of visual dimensions in forming online purchase intentions.
Abubaker A AB Shaouf, (07-2016), Computers in Human Behavior: Elsevier, 60
Oil Revenues, Diversification, and Economic Development and Growth: The case of Libya
PhD ThesisAbstract
The main aim in this study is to explain the effect of natural resource endowment or ‘oil wealth’ on the Libyan economy and, more importantly, explore how Libya can take advantage of this resource whilst avoiding the Dutch disease problem. In order to do this, the study has three objectives:-
1. To identify what variables are of importance in the economic growth in particular of oil producing countries, and what is the impact of oil on those variables.
2. To identify the most important growth strategies that oil-rich countries are following.
3. To identify the nature of the relationship between oil revenue and realizing permanent economic development in Libya, while identifying the most potentially beneficial economic development policies that could be adopted in Libya in terms of the participation of economic sectors, investment priorities, and encouragement of economic diversification.
Multiple methods were used to collect data in this research through information gathered from existing literature - data for a wide study of 74 oil producing countries, case studies on a number of oil rich comparator countries, as well as a qualitative analysis of the Libyan economy itself with data derived from semi-structured interviews and a focus group.
Preliminary results indicate that the abundance of oil wealth has a positive direct relationship on GDP; however economic growth is obstructed indirectly by oil wealth through the effect of some other economic variables within the model. For instance, an abundance of oil wealth negatively (statistically significantly) affects manufacturing, public spending on education and the entry of foreign direct investment; however, there is a positive (statistically not significant) relationship between oil wealth and each of agriculture value added and Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF). There is however a negative (statistically significant) relationship between SWF and GDP as well as a positive, statistically significant, relationship between the following variables: manufacturing value added, agriculture value added, and Foreign Direct Investment with GDP. The relationship is positive, but statistically not significant, between public spending on education and GDP.
In terms of the case study countries discussed, it can be recognized that different growth strategies have been adopted to reach economic diversification; in general all countries have increased their investment in education for all stages, in supporting the tourism sector and those manufacturing industries that link to oil and gas. However, the contribution of the agricultural sector to GDP for some oil-rich countries has diminished, even in those countries which have increased their efforts to support that sector. The main challenge facing those countries in terms of attracting more foreign direct investment is political and security stability. Countries consider SWF as an important way to diversify the economy, to achieve sustainable growth and to maximize profits.
In the specific context of Libya, this study reveals that it is facing a political Dutch disease as well an economic Dutch disease. Because of the size of the public sector, private sector activities were crowded out because of the ability of the government to dominate the economy through its large oil revenues. It is therefore a type of Dutch disease with a different scenario.
Adel Dau, (06-2016), University of South Wales: University of South Wales,
Earnings management and its relations with corporate social responsibility
Journal ArticleThe ethics of financial reporting assumes a center stage in the corporate world in the background of an emerging understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We review the literature on the link between earnings management (EM) and CSR and reveal that there are two contradictory perspectives. One perspective assumes that EM is negatively associated to CSR, while the other argues that EM and CSR are positively related. These perspectives are based on the competitive existence theories such as agency, singling, stakeholder, legitimacy theories. While, the negative relationship between EM and CSR perspective is in line with the legitimacy, agency and singling theories, the positive relationship is in accordance with stakeholder theory.
Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Awidat Marai, Goranka Knežević, (03-2016), Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization: Facta Universitatis, 12
Understanding and predicting online purchase intention: Development of a model for cognitive-affective shopper responses
Journal ArticleAbubaker A AB Shaouf, (01-2016), International Journal of Management and Applied Science: International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 12
Female directors and earnings management: Evidence from UK companies
Journal ArticleSince the gender diversity of boards and reporting of earnings are two most debated issues in the corporate world, the paper examined how the presence of women directors on the corporate board influence earnings management practices. We found that firms with a higher number of female and independent female directors are adopting restrained earnings management practices in the UK. We further made a distinction between complex (high debt) and simple (low debt) companies, and the outcomes reveal that female directors have a positive effect on the earnings management in simple companies. The paper contributes to the debate on gender diversity on boards, and its impact on the use of accounting discretion in financial reporting.
Yousf Ebrahem Abolgasem Almahrog, Thankom Arun, Zakaria Aribi, (05-2015), International Review of Financial Analysis: Elsevier Ltd, 39